

Please feel free to call and discuss any business requirements no matter how small (or large) they may appear to be. We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Qs and As

What is procurement?  Procurement involves sourcing goods and services that enable an organisation to operate in a profitable, ethical and in a corporate social responsible way. Responsibilities vary from sourcing raw materials, finished products and services to negotiating & managing contracts and maintaining relationships with suppliers. Procurement is responsible for up to 70% of companies' revenue so small reductions in costs can have a huge impact on profits.

What is the difference between procurement and purchasing?  Procurement is the means by which a supplier, product(s) or service(s) has been checked and validated (with terms and contacts agreed) so that it is fit for purpose and that the product or service(s) can meet a business needs by being delivered at the right time to the right place, at the right price and in the right quantity within the specification/quality tolerances. Purchasing is the physical act of placing orders for the specified product)s) or service and managing the supply chain monitoring and reporting to Procurement the key performances of the the supplier (which form the contractual bounds of both the supplier and customer the partnership). Both Procurement and Purchasing are intrinsically linked and thrive on each other.